Cowlix Wearing my mind on my sleeve

Saturday, February 16, 2002 Permanent link to this day
Serial cables are illegal?

My Run-In With The Digital Millennium Copyright Act: a university student, Colin McMillen, ordered a serial cable with a special end made for plugging into a Dreamcast console from He says his intention is to write real-time software for the console as part of his research. Instead the shipment was intercepted by Customs as being in violation of the DMCA.

See also: DMCA Protection at U.S. Border

Note: the first link above is to a university student's account which has been /.ed and mentioned on Wired. It may take a few tries to get in. [via zem]

Microsoft public comments

Of the over 30,000 public comments received by the Department of Justice on the final judgement in the Microsoft anti-trust case, 47 have been released as being "major". [via Red Rock Eater]

Cyber Security Enhancement Act

Cybercrime Bill Ups the Ante: on the increased penalties for computer crime proposed in the Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2001, in particular up to life for those where the alleged evildoer knowing trying to cause death or serious injury. I haven't figured out the rest of the impact on penalties, but I don't think that specific one is a bad thing. Opening statements from committee members and witnesses at a House Subcommmittee on Crime hearing earlier this week are available from their site and include:

. [via Red Rock Eater]

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