Cowlix Wearing my mind on my sleeve

Tuesday, February 05, 2002
Globalization in India

Shall We Leave It to the Experts?: on the impact and meaning of globalization for India.

What is globalization? Who is it for? What is it going to do to a country like India, in which social inequality has been institutionalized in the caste system for centuries? A country in which 700 million people live in rural areas. In which 80 percent of the landholdings are small farms. In which 300 million people are illiterate. Is the corporatization and globalization of agriculture, water supply, electricity and essential commodities going to pull India out of the stagnant morass of poverty, illiteracy and religious bigotry? Is the dismantling and auctioning off of elaborate public sector infrastructure, developed with public money over the past fifty years, really the way forward? Is globalization going to close the gap between the privileged and the underprivileged, between the upper castes and the lower castes, between the educated and the illiterate? Or is it going to give those who already have a centuries-old head start a friendly helping hand?


No wonder globalization is helping every country in the field of information, knoladge, and technology but at the same time it also crearts a situation where poor country has to adjust many thing. The recent cancun submitt is an example where one can see the rate of adjustment between poor nations and rich nation. It is imparative that poor has no any choice without globalization but the leader of globalization should also think for the poor nations.We can only hope in a very hopeless situation.

Posted by: Nalin Bharti on September 18, 2003 09:20 AM
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