Cowlix Wearing my mind on my sleeve

Saturday, March 08, 2003 Permanent link to this day
Random reading

John Cage's Indeterminacy [via Irregular Orbit]


Safe Utilization of Advanced Nanotechnology

Development of nanotechnology must be undertaken with care to avoid accidents; once a nanotech-based manufacturing technology is created, it must be administered with even more care. Irresponsible use of nanotech could lead to black markets, unstable arms races ending in immense destruction, and possibly a release of gray goo. Deliberate misuse of the technology by inhumane governments, terrorists, criminals, and irresponsible teenagers could produce even worse problems--gray goo is a feeble weapon compared to what could be designed. It seems likely that research leading to advanced nanotechnology will have to be carefully monitored and controlled.

[via Boing Boing]

It's 1983, do you know where your Secretary of Defense was?

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein: The National Security Archive analyzes recently declassified documents about the U.S. reaction to the Iran/Iraq war in the early 80s.

Rumsfeld shaking hands with Hussein, 1983

[via Quark Soup]

Just Business

The Pentagon's New Map: in which Thomas P.M. Barnett, with the U.S. Naval War College, lays out the proposition that countries which obstruct globalization will soon be targets of the military.

Show me where globalization is thick with network connectivity, financial transactions, liberal media flows, and collective security, and I will show you regions featuring stable governments, rising standards of living, and more deaths by suicide than murder. These parts of the world I call the Functioning Core, or Core. But show me where globalization is thinning or just plain absent, and I will show you regions plagued by politically repressive regimes, widespread poverty and disease, routine mass murder, and--most important--the chronic conflicts that incubate the next generation of global terrorists. These parts of the world I call the Non-Integrating Gap, or Gap.


The reason I support going to war in Iraq is not simply that Saddam is a cutthroat Stalinist willing to kill anyone to stay in power, nor because that regime has clearly supported terrorist networks over the years. The real reason I support a war like this is that the resulting long-term military commitment will finally force America to deal with the entire Gap as a strategic threat environment.

[via Follow Me Here]

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