Cowlix Wearing my mind on my sleeve

Thursday, December 13, 2001 Permanent link to this day
Dark matter distribution

In a pair of papers using different methods, astronomers working with data from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey have determined that dark matter in the universe is distributed the same way as visible galaxies are.

[via bottomquark]


Alexei A. Sharov analyzes Sergei Meyen's Typological Concept of Time [via abuddhas memes]

No parking

No parking on the beach, please. [via evacuate & flush]

Blogspace deep field map

I'm not sure how useful this is, but it's kind of neat: the Hubble's deep field shot of the universe used as map of the blogspace. [via abuddhas memes]

Get a bigger drive

Click here to download the Internet. [via Bifurcated Rivets]

Open editing

The NY Times looks at open editing on Wiki's, in particular the Wikipedia. [via Voidstar]

Tolkien archives

I think I've linked to this before, but the NY Times Tolkien Archives is growing, with lots more book reviews having been added. [via Researchbuzz]


now Surreal: Surrealistic art, articles, and stories. [via Plep]

Losing control

Future Warfare and the Decline of Human Decisionmaking: as autonomous battle systems are improved, "humans may retain symbolic authority, but automated systems move too fast and the factors involved are too complex for real human comprehension." [via abuddhas memes]

Magic Lantern

The FBI has confirmed that it is working on Magic Lantern, a tool to plant trojans on a suspect's PC over the net. [via jrobb]

JDL arrests

Two leaders of the Jewish Defense League have been arrested for allegedly plotting to blow up a mosque and a congressman's office. The Anti-Defamation League has some background information on the JDL.

Protests predicted

More globalization protests are expected in the next few days at the European Union summit meeting in Brussels.

bin Laden tape

The Defense Department released a bin Laden tape and transcript where he discusses foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

Records purge

Orders to purge records have librarians worried: libraries which hold copies of a public water supply database have been order to destroy them. [via Red Rock Eater]

Moussaoui indictment

U.S.A. v. Zacarias Moussaoui: the indictment. [via Red Rock Eater]

bin Laden's death foretold

Scripting bin Laden's Last Act: on how bin Ladin will die, or at least, the story that will be told. [via wood s lot]

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Copyright © 2001-2002 by Wes Cowley